Thursday 31 January 2013

The Castle

15-yr-old girl.  We'd stopped playing for some reason.

Girl: Ooh, can I ask you something, like, totally off-topic?
Me: Um, sure...
Girl: Okay, well, have you seen the movie, The Castle?  From, like, 1997?
Me [smiling]: Yes.
Girl [really enthusiastically]: We watched it on the weekend.  It is so funny!  Now I know where all the things my dad say are from.  It was hilarious!!! [It's true - her dad is very Castle-like].  And the narrator - like, "My brother and I are really close. 
- How's dad?
- Good.
- How's mum?
- Good.
- How are you?
- Aright."
So funny!!

Wednesday 30 January 2013

Major Disaster

Discussing intervals with a 10-yr-old.  We'd talked 'perfect'.  Now for major and minor.

Me: So, if we forget this is music, what's major?  Like, a major ... disaster [the recent events of our country at the forefront of my mind].
Girl [quite seriously]: Bad.  Really bad.
Me: What if it was... um... they're all negative examples in my head... Okay.  What about a minor problem?  What would that be?
Girl: Not good.  But small.
Me [relieved]: Yes.  Minor is small, major is big.

Friday 25 January 2013

Trampoline Size

11-yr-old viola student.  Wet hair.

Me: Is your hair wet because you've been swimming, or because you've been running around in the rain?
Girl: Um... I was jumping on the trampoline.  With my friend.  In the rain.  [Grinning]  It was fun.
[Later] We were jumping with washing detergent on the trampoline.
Me [not exactly sure what she meant]: Could you explain that one?
Girl: There was a trampoline.  It had washing detergent on it.  And it was raining.  We were jumping.  It was slippery...  Oh, and the trampoline is puny.  Like, the same size as that table.  ... Oh... wait... No, it's a bit bigger.  Like, maybe 4 times bigger. [Starting to giggle uncontrollably] Or even 5 times bigger.
Me: Mm, good size estimation there.

I did point out (while she recovered from that batch of giggles) that I was glad she had survived with no injured extremities or trips to the hospital.