Sunday 30 December 2012

Five Husbands - Sneak Peak (2)

The sneak peak for next year had a second part (you can see the first bit here).  I was already reeling from the projected turn of events, and my jaw had no doubt dropped.  But she continued.

Girl:  ...and... [a bit excited]... next year... you're going to have a child!  [Eyes very wide]  And she's going to be [voice drops for maximum impact] just - like - me!
Me: [splutter]
Girl [normally, back to excited]: Isn't that great?! 
Me: I- I'm not sure that I'm ready to have kids so soon...
Girl [matter-of-fact]: So, you have to start thinking of names.


Thursday 20 December 2012

The Giraffe Joke

At this point, I was teaching a girl of 7.  Her 5-yr-old sister was always in the lesson as well (very well-behaved).  Neither girl was particularly tall - the younger one was about as tall as my navel.  At the end of this lesson, the little one gave me a hug (fairly standard procedure), and, still with her arms wrapped around me, looked up.

Girl: Miss Anna, do you know why giraffes have such long necks?
Me [smiling at the irony]: No... why do giraffes have such long necks?
Girl [starting to giggle]: Because... because they have smelly feet!!!

Sunday 16 December 2012

Five Husbands - Sneak Peak (1)

Straight after telling me I had no feelings, the girl who thinks I have five husbands offered me this.

Girl: So, do you want a sneak peak for next year?  [I nod, possibly a little nervously]. Okay.  So [very serious expression on her face] ... one of them is going to risk his life for you.  [Not so serious now] And two of them... Andrew and Harry... will get sick of sharing you, and they'll turn gay and get together. 

Yeah, cos that's totally how it works.

Thursday 13 December 2012

Favourite Food

I asked a 6-yr-old what her favourite food was (we needed a rhythm for a particular piece).

Girl [thoughtful]: Ooh... Um... Chocolate sundae.
Me: Yum, what do you like in your chocolate sundae?
Girl [quite animated]: Ice cream... and chocolate sauce... and nuts... and whipped cream... oh, and a strawberry on top.  [knowledgeably] Strawberry is a fruit, so it's healthy!

I kind of choked, trying not to laugh too much.

Monday 10 December 2012

Chords, Continued

Last week, I introduced this 8-yr-old to the delights of squished diminished chords.  Today we took it a bit further.

Me: You play the fa, and I'll play the ti and re.  [We play these all together].  Now, how does that sound?
Girl [grinning, with a look of delight]: Scary!!
Me: You know, if we just add one more note, it can sound really different.  This time, I'm still going to play the ti and re.  You still play the fa, but can you play the so - the open D - at the same time?
Girl [with 'are you sure about this?' written all over her face]: Okay...
Me [once we've played, and her face registers delight all over again]: So? How does that sound?
Girl [still grinning]: Really happy!!

We then played that chord (dominant 7th) followed by its resolution, G major.  She was rather excited that it sounded so finished.

Friday 7 December 2012

A Diminished Chord

On Monday, I was working on a new piece with an 8-yr-old.  We'd already sorted out the second fingers.  A little phrase kept repeating itself, C-A-F# (2 - open - 2).  I said that could form a chord, and had her play the C while I played the A and F#.

Me: What do you think it sounds like?
Girl: Umm...
Me: Do you think it sounds happy?
Girl: Not really.  But it's not really sad, either.  More... just... squished.
Me [smiling]: True... Do you think it sounds spooky at all?
Girl [squishing up her face, in that 'what is my teacher on about?' look]: Ah... I guess...

One thing I enjoy about teaching, is the new perspective brought to musical theory.  Having had ideas and concepts drilled into my brain for years, hearing new ideas from someone new to the concept is refreshing.

Thursday 6 December 2012

Duet Eyes

Last lesson for the year with a 15-yr-old girl, and we were playing duets.  She was playing the top part, and when we got to the top of the second page, she just... stopped.

Girl: Agh!  I mean... what?
Me: Um... we're up to here [pointing to page 2]
Girl: Oh!  I know!  I mean... my eyes... just... forgot how to go on.  Sorry. 

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Mrs N

I took over my ensemble this year as the former conductor was on maternity leave.  I'm of average height, dark brown hair, and not pregnant (fairly fit, in fact).  The other teacher (Mrs N) is about the same height, light blonde hair, and was rather pregnant when she left to have her baby.  Occasionally, a child would slip up and call me Mrs N instead of Miss M.  One child just couldn't get her brain to change though.

Girl [distracted]: Mrs N...?
Me:.... Ummm....
Girl [suddenly coming to]: Oh!  Mrs... Mrs... Miss... Miss M?!
Me [smiling]: Yes, J?
Girl: I'm so sorry.  I just... I keep calling you Mrs N!
Me: Yeah, I noticed.  But that's okay.  I'll just start calling you... Annabelle... every time you call me Mrs N.  There are enough of them in this group.
Girl [giggling]: Okay... So, Mrs N...
Me [I can't believe this happened right away!]: Yes, Annabelle? [All the actual Annabelles congregate upon hearing their name]
Girl: Oh no!  I did it again!  I mean, Miss M...?
Me: Yes, J?
Girl [looking down]: Oh... Wait.  I can't remember what I was going to say...
Annabelles: Which one of us do you want?  What do you need?
Me: Oh, nothing.  It's just when someone calls me Mrs N I'll call them Annabelle. 
Annabelles: Even F? [the only boy in the group]
Me: Yes, even F.

Cue riotous giggles.

Monday 3 December 2012

Second Fingers Sorted

Looking at a new piece with an 8-yr-old.

Me: What's the key signature?
Girl: C..No, F sharp.
Me: So, wh-
Girl: Do is G.
Me: Good... How are you going to do the first note?  High two or low?
Girl: Um... [thinks a bit]... High!
Me: Why? [this often makes them change their mind, regardless of whether or not they're correct]
Girl: Because it's a mi.
Me [delightfully surprised]: Yes!  How about on the D string?
Girl [slight thinking pause]: High.  Because it's a ti.
Me: A string?
Girl [takes a little while, I think she's thinking up the G major scale from the open G]: Low.  Because it's a fa, and fa is best friends with mi.


Sunday 2 December 2012

Five Husbands - Mental State

The girl who thinks I have five husbands looked at me, like she had a really serious question to ask me.

Girl: Um... Do you think I'm crazy?
Me: No.  You are very imaginative, though...
Girl: But do you think I'll end up in a mental... you know...?
Me: Mental asylum?  I doubt it.  But anyone can.  I think I would be more likely to end up in a mental asylum than you are.
Girl: Why?
Me: You know... the whole two lives thing... five husbands...?
Girl: But we both know that you do have five husbands.  And anyway, you have no feelings!
Me: Ouch!

I don't think she meant that in a mean way - it certainly didn't come across that way when she said it.  I would take it as a compliment, actually, in that I don't have very changeable moods as a teacher, but keep it a bit more professional.  Despite hearing all about my love life from an 11-yr-old.