Sunday, 5 May 2013

Five Husbands - Developments

11-yr-old girl who thinks I have five husbands walks into her lesson, and has her phone with (thank you BYOT).

Girl: Sooo...? How's Tim?
Me: Good...
Girl: How's Andrew?
Me: Good... Still straight, as far as I know... Um, you'll have to let me know when that, you know, changes.
Girl: I'll let you know. 
[Some phone conversation happens - recordings and such].
Me: Right, phone away now.
Girl: Ooh, but-
Me [trying to get stern]: Away.  Now.
Girl: Ooh, but I just got a message!
Me [more stern]: Away.
Girl: But it's from Andrew!  He said - [concerned look on her face] - oh no!  He said, he's really sorry, but ... But... He's turned gay.
Me [breathing out]: Ah.  Okay.  Thank you for letting me know.
Girl [all concerned]: Are you okay?  I know this must be tough.
Me: Well, I had a little inkling this might happen soon.  And I imagine this will make my life a little easier... Right, scales!

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