Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Coffee is Good for You

...or, convincing the younger generation of the benefits of coffee.  It's never too young to learn.  10-yr-old girl saw me drinking out of my insulated cup, which had some drips down the side.

Girl [slightly judgmental]: Is that coffee, or tea?
Me: Tea.
Girl: I couldn't tell from the drips coming down the side.
Me: Well, they're probably from the coffee I had in here before.  I washed it, obviously.
Girl: So, you've had coffee today?  [parrot-voice] Coffee is really bad for you.
Me: No!  It's good for you!
Girl [raised eyebrow]: You're just making that up.  You know, Mrs S. has, like, 3 cups of coffee in the morning.  That's really bad.
Me: Nope.  Coffee is good for you.  It helps prevent Parkinsons disease-
Girl: What's that?
Me: You know when old people shake uncontrollably?
Girl: But you're not old.  You don't have to worry about that.
Me: The better you are when you're young, the less... awful... your life will be later. [girl is unconvinced]. Plus, if you have some coffee just before you exercise it helps you go further without pain.
Girl: Oh good.  So, next time, I should ask my mum for some just before ballet?
Me: Ummm... Maybe not.

There's no way this child needs a stimulant.

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