Sunday, 16 September 2012

Cooking with Five Husbands

After the initial Five Husbands thing, that child would occasionally ask me - in that gossipy tone of voice:  Sooo.... how are your five husbands??? 
And my reply would usually be along the lines of: Hm, they're fine...

Until one day, when I was feeling daring.

Girl: Sooo.. How are your five husbands???
Me: They're fine.  But I wish they'd learn to cook more.  It's so boring right now!  Just soups and stirfries [guess what I'd been cooking all that term...]
Girl:  Ooh, you could give them each a cookbook.  Or, make them watch cooking shows.  If you have each of them watch a different cooking show, then you can have a different style each time one of them cooks.  That would be much more interesting.

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